There are many people out there in the world who seem to love complaining. Nothing is ever right for them and their lives seem to lurch from one drama to the next. We all know these people and there may have been times in your life (there certainly was in mine), where you did the same? My work as a coach has led me to work with a number of these individuals and to gain a respect for how challenging it can be to transform who you think you are at an identity level.
The fear of doing this always was far greater than the actual steps to change. I found that the difference that made all the difference was always working energetically. It takes guts to turn your attention away from what you think is wrong with you, others or your work environment - to shift your energy away from complaints to contribution. It takes daring to become focused on dreams instead of dilemmas. You may become concerned that if you don't ponder on your shortcomings (or those of others) something bad will happen. You maybe so used to living with your problems that the thought of leaving them behind leaves you cold. Don't worry, gaining clarity puts you into a position of choice. You can then choose the energy in any given moment that will serve you best.
Transition Coaching
You can't own land, relationships or your children. All you own is your story, and you can't just stand still and hold onto it either - you have to live it. - Baz Luhrmann (So make sure it is a good story!!!!)
For now though, I want you to know that you have everything you need to function perfectly on your energetic journey; nothing has been left out. There is nothing wrong with you, and there never has been. I say this, no matter what has happened to you in your life.
Please let that sink in for a minute. Let the words enter your body and move through your center to your heart. Repeat them again. Say them aloud. Allowing this message into your consciousness - this might just allow you to relax, even if for just a moment, to allow your stomach to untie its knots. This is because at the centre of all of us there is a worry, however small, that something is wrong with us, hidden deep down inside, and if we are not careful we will be found out.
Whatever you have gone through in life or are yet to go through, your experiences are the natural consequences of being a human being. How do I know? It's true about me and about everyone I have ever coached, or met - I know it is true about everyone, whether they know it or not. What may also be true for you is that you haven't yet learned to use your energy to bring you what you want from life. To do this, you don't need to change who you are, or even what you think. There is no need for an extreme makeover! The only thing you need to do is to learn to bring forward what is already within you so you can live the life you were meant to live.
Turning points announce themselves through a variety of vague symptoms: deep restlessness, a yearning with no name, inexplicable boredom, or the feeling of being stuck." - Gloria Karpinski
How will your turning point find you?
Find a piece of card, one you can carry around in your wallet or pocket, and write onto it... "Nevertheless, I am willing". Carry this with you for the next few days. Whenever you hear the internal chatter which arises when you contemplate moving forward on anything - hold up those words and say them out loud. "Nevertheless, I am willing". Notice what happens to your energy. Bring your capacity to be willing wherever you go.
Transition and Change - Life's Turning Points