You can download this webinar free for a limited period of time, thanks to AMI Insurance, Parents Inc.'s principal supporter. A special event for parents of kids approaching or going through puberty. The transition into adolescence can be stressful; being prepared and positive can make this exciting time so much more enjoyable. John has worked extensively with this age group and prepared a CD resource for parents called The Big Weekend CD.
Tags: Parenting, parent, seminar, webinar, workshop, speaker, advice, help, preview, parents, video, the parenting place, parents inc., children, child, kid, kids, mom, mum, dad, father, mother, education, information, support, coach, coaching, expert, presenters, presenter, practical, strategies, puberty, teenagers, tweens, teens, teen, teenager, transition, positive, communication, communicate, relationship, adolescence, awkward stage, boyhood, girlhood, boy, girl, man, woman, change, family, The, Place