วันเสาร์ที่ 7 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

4 Simple Steps to Starting a Career Transition After Age 40, Even in a Tough Economy

Have you put in enough years at a job you thought would make you happy, but has not? Are you tired of wasting precious time without the kind of satisfaction that matters most to you?

Don't give up! You can have work with both pleasure and purpose, at any age. If you've had another career, or even several, your path may just need to be more creative than it was when you first started out. Here are some easy ways to begin:

Transition Coaching

1. Know what you want. It may sound obvious, but many people never get really clear about what they want because they don't believe they can have it anyway. Just for now, don't worry about if, or how you can get it. Just get crystal-clear about what you want.

4 Simple Steps to Starting a Career Transition After Age 40, Even in a Tough Economy

2. Leverage what you're good at to get your foot in the door. Every field involves some common basics - detail work, people skills and leadership, creativity, follow-through, outreach, research and learning, conflict management. Where do you consistently shine? If you're good at sales, you'll probably be good at fundraising or membership, for example.

3. Identify what you need to learn and start learning. There are lots of ways to learn in addition to costly training programs. Volunteerism is unparalleled in the opportunities to get information it offers. Learn what you can on line and from books, and then offer your services part-time at a low rate to build experience.

4. Envision it as yours. Imagine yourself doing this work, exactly the way you want it to be, with the number of other people, the setting, the schedule and the work itself. Adjust your vision until it feels just right. Now keep your eyes open for opportunities, no matter how small, to take a step in the direction of your vision.

Most of all, even if it seems completely impossible, don't slam the door on your dreams. Emotions don't always accurately reflect our circumstances, let alone the possibilities to come. You're accomplished, professional and have years of valuable experience. There will be a way for you to do the work you were designed to do. Meanwhile, get ready!

4 Simple Steps to Starting a Career Transition After Age 40, Even in a Tough Economy

