วันเสาร์ที่ 26 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

Selecting a Team Leader - How to Choose the Right Personality?

There are various things that you should be looking at when you are considering a particular candidate for a team leader position in your organization. The mandatory things that you need to check are the resume of the candidate, the references they come with and certain tests like personality assessment and cognitive ability testing. Some of the corporations today also test their potential team leader candidates by giving them a simulated work environment and gauging their métier when the responsibilities are actually laid out in front of them.

However, one of the most important aspects on which you should test your team leaders is their personalities.

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It is a matter of psychological studies now that personalities of people are inherent and they influence the manner in which they act in certain situations. Personality traits of different individuals will be decidedly different but the ways in which two people with similar personalities will act in a particular situation will be almost the same.

Selecting a Team Leader - How to Choose the Right Personality?

That is the reason corporations are putting more emphasis on personality assessment at the moment. After all, a team leader needs to have an impressive and inspiring personality that can motivate subordinates to accomplish the tasks at hand to their fullest potential.

So what must you look for when you are checking personality attributes for someone applying for a team leader position? The best personality traits that you should be looking at include an energetic approach to things, an outgoing and friendly disposition, a certain kind of resilience and a disposition to work more than what is expected. People who are willing to work ungrudgingly make good team leaders because they expect these very same traits in their subordinates. It is also a good idea to select someone who is a stickler for perfection because such attributes can rub off to the group they are working with.

In short, whatever qualities you want your group to have, they must be present in the personality of the team leader you select for them. People are just going to literally follow the leader and you have to make sure you give them a good role model to emulate.

Selecting a Team Leader - How to Choose the Right Personality?

