CLICK 'Show more' for info: Dear global Friend, Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) have the highest percentages of diseases worldwide and according to recent research the prognosis for 2020 is that depression will be the second common health issue on a global level. Every year severe depression leads to 850.000 deaths! Research also has shown that there is a link between CVDs and depression and that especially high income countries are burdened. If we want to change the future we have to prevent that it comes that far therefore high risk health prevention should be priority number one and that is what my new division is all about. There is namely one group in our society that is particularly in high danger. MEN! Why? Find out in my new video and feel free to share my link For further findings and statistics you can read more on my website www.mpinstantmanconsulting.html You can support my new mission by sending this news on my new division MP Instant Man Consulting to your entire network so that I can help the men who need me. If your company is considering sponsoring new projects or you want privately do something meaningful you may want to get in touch with me for sponsoring fi the advertising for my new initiative. If you have other ideas for my project please let me know what win win proposal you have in mind or you can reach me 24/7 at Thanks a lot! I appreciate you, drs. Michèle Pascale INFO ON ME: My name is ...
Keywords: Men, Man, Feelings, Help, Sadness, Unhappiness, Grief, Loss, Healing, Support, Transformation, Health, Global, Personal Coaching, Consultancy, Talk, about, problems, Instant, Speak, up, Consultation, Consultant, Private, Issues, Risk, Prevention, Emotions, Inner, Stress, Solution, Problem, Solving, Positivity, Break, Divorce, Relationship