วันศุกร์ที่ 2 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

zmajko v MassaQuoi TvZ Xel Naga Caverns (helion play)

zmajko v MassaQuoi TvZ Xel Naga Caverns (helion play) Video Clips. Duration : 13.07 Mins.

1v1 coaching game on Xel'Naga Caverns. Shows a use of helions to harras zerg fast expander. Part of the Mixed Fruit coaching videos. This is new channel dedicated to SC2 only, because on old channel i have some videos of me playing guitar, and those two do not mix :). Please note that english is not my native language Executing this build is fairly easy, but not trivial. Open standard way (10 supply, 12rax, 13gas...). Make a solid wall for possible baneling bust (but you could also scout for it on time). While building tech lab addon on factory, take 2nd gas, and after that build another barracks. Move out with 3 helions and blue flame researched. At least you should force zerg opponent go roaches or place lots of spine crawlers. Any drone/zergling kill is plus, but don't forget to macro! React to his unit and transition. If he goes roaches go tanks or marauders, or go mech if opponent goes muta/ling/bling. Variations are possible, you can open 1/1/1 but you have to take your 2nd gas earlier. Then it is very important to deny any scouting. Do not overcommit! It is more important to macro well, then to micro your helions perfectly. * Mixed Fruit website: www.mixedfruit.org * Checkout other MF casters Vorenius: www.youtube.com Dzerzhinsky: www.youtube.com - Another terran, showing you how to effectively do 3 rax/pressure on same map. Note, this is for bronze to gold level players, higher ranked players should be well aware of this strategies, tactics and mechanics.

Keywords: starcraft, xel naga, tvz, mixed fruit, coaching, strategy, tactic, mechanic, blizzard, build order, helion, marine, tank, terran, zerg, protoss, game, gaming, esport

