Keep Your Business Alive
The business world is a highly competitive and rapidly changing domain. The way to survive is to reshape according to the needs of circumstances. In leadership, you have to accept the fact of change. Resisting change leads nowhere but a dead end. You and your organization are going to be stalled, if not completely shut down.
Transition Coaching
Gaining and keeping customers keep a business alive. Your customers want excellent service and more. If you cannot provide these to customers, your competitors will. That´s why your organization needs to reshape itself quickly to change so it can offer what customers need. Top leadership in the organization realizes the significance of preserving their resources. They cannot just throw away money at every problem. Executive leaders also know the importance of having highly committed and flexible workers. As a leader, you need to be able to implement action that allows the organization to quickly and smoothly adapt to change.
4 Different Changes Of An Organization
Throughout its growth, an organization normally goes through 4 different changes:
Formative period. The organization is just getting started. The founding vision or purpose of the organization has no formal definitions yet. This is a stage of a lot of experimentation and innovation. Changes of creativity and discovery enable the organization to beat obstacles and achieve breakthroughs.
Rapid growth period. The organization implements direction and organization so that it can sustain its growth and solidify gains. The purpose of the organization and on the mainstream business is being clarified and defined.
Mature period. The organization develops a strong growth curve that levels off to the general velocity of the economy. Change and modifications are needed so that the organization can maintain established markets and achieve maximum gains.
Declining period. This is a rough ride for the organization. It often means reorganization and downsizing. Tough objectives are developed, although there is compassionate implementation. To survive, the organization needs to get out of the old and cross the threshold towards something new. There is starting again of the four periods, beginning a new process that determines success.
Depending on the pace, some organizations may go through with the 4-period change process rapidly, while others undergo these growth stages for decades. If there is no follow- through with the needed changes in any of the 4 growth periods, an organization would falter and eventually die.
In Japanese, there is the concept of "kaizen" which means "continual improvement". The quest to do better is never-ending. Changing is doing better. Standing still makes the competition get ahead. Congregate your resources and solidify your strength so you can revitalize, move on, catch up with the pace and get to the top.
Leadership Coaching: 4 Stages Of Organizational Change