วันเสาร์ที่ 30 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2555

Coaching for Organizations in Transition - Rob Schilling, Director. Human Capital Development. 01

Coaching for Organizations in Transition - Rob Schilling, Director. Human Capital Development. 01 Tube. Duration : 8.95 Mins.

Human Capital Development global business perspective, cultural sensitivity Human Capital is asserted to be the most important element of success in business today. Developing human capital requires creating and cultivating environments in which human beings can rapidly learn and apply new ideas, competencies, skills, behaviors and attitudes. The Human Capital Development group assists companies across Asia, in the US and in select areas of Europe to create opportunities for people to create shared understanding, explore new ideas and apply them. The tools for creating these opportunities include training, facilitation, coaching and consulting. The focus is on meeting the needs of learner and organization alike.


Transition to Attack

Transition to Attack Tube. Duration : 0.35 Mins.

for detailed instructions, see my blog at www.footballer21.com

Tags: soccer, coaching, training, drills, footballer21, footballer21.com, transition, to, attack, decision, making, attacking

Your Woman's Life Coach Is Corrie Woods And WomansFieldGuide

Your Woman's Life Coach Is Corrie Woods And WomansFieldGuide Tube. Duration : 0.82 Mins.

www.womansfieldguide.com Women's Author, Inspirational Speaker, Retreat Leader, and Personal Life Coach, Corrie Woods is a creative partner, collaborator, and "way-outside-the-box" thinker.

Keywords: Personal, Life, Coach, Corrie, Woods, how, to, love, yourself, Vacation, Package, transition, work, balance, lack, of, self, care, inspirational, book, for, woman

OneCORE Video 3: take the risk

OneCORE Video 3: take the risk Tube. Duration : 1.50 Mins.

Featuring: Ariel Diccion, Audris Umel, Armand Sazon and Koi Mejia Directed and Edited by: Neil Derrick Bion and Mark Armand Sazon The OneCORE Success Center is the first and only success center in the Philippines committed to self-learning and devleoping young individuals, through skills-building and one-on-one coaching; guiding and mentoring them to ensure a SUCCESSFUL transition from student to young adult to young professional. The said company is founded and owned by expert performance coach Pia Acevedo and media personality Pia Magalona. Call 436-4143 or email contact@theonecore.com for inquiries Visit us at www.theonecore.com

Tags: development, coaching, courtship, love, best videos, best friends, risk, commitment, success center, help, good, rich, richer, best actor, best actress, best in the philippines, philippines

วันศุกร์ที่ 29 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2555

Quick Start and Easy Play 36 ft. Coaching Tip (Coach while Hitting)

Quick Start and Easy Play 36 ft. Coaching Tip (Coach while Hitting) Tube. Duration : 2.62 Mins.

Dave Brouwer (PTR Professional, USPTA Professional, QuickStart National Trainer, Director of Tennis East Hills Orchard Hills Michigan Athletic Club) talks about the importance of modified kids equipment in QuickStart and EZ Play. David shows you a way to coach while you are hitting with your students on a 36 foot court.

Tags: 36', Coaching, tip, quickstart, easy, play, ez, little, kids, tennis, foam, ball, transition, strokes

Don't listen to your friends...even though they mean well!

Don't listen to your friends...even though they mean well! Video Clips. Duration : 1.15 Mins.

www.halliecrawford.com -- In this video Hallie Crawford, Certified Career Coach, expands on advice from an article about finding your dream job from Forbes.com. In order to find your dream job you have to know what you want first. Then listen to your friend's advice and take what works for you, leave what doesn't. You have to filter anyone's advice by what works for you at all times so that you don't get off track, and take a job just because someone else suggested you'd be good at it. Listen to yourself first, at the end of the day you know what's best for you. Read the article from Forbes.com here: www.forbes.com

Tags: Hallie Crawford, Certified Career Coach, Career Coach, Career Coaching, Forbes.com, Advice, Dream Job, Career Transition, What works for you

Bob Harper "The Biggest Loser" Coach Goes Vegan

Bob Harper "The Biggest Loser" Coach Goes Vegan Video Clips. Duration : 1.05 Mins.

Television personality and fitness guru Bob Harper is now vegan. In an interview this week with VegNews magazine, celebrity trainer Bob Harper announced he has gone from being vegetarian to a pure plant-based diet. Mr. Harper became renowned as a fitness trainer on the NBC television network's popular reality series, "The Biggest Loser," where contestants compete to see who can lose the most weight. Mr. Harper, already a long-time vegetarian, advocates avoidance of meat-based protein, recommending show contestants to eat mostly plant-based foods instead. Regarding his own vegan choice, he stated, "I enjoy living a plant-based diet because it makes me feel clear headed and strong, not to mention my genetically high cholesterol dropped more than 100 points. That was all the motivation I needed." Bravo to your life-affirming decision to be vegan, Mr. Bob Harper! May your inspiration and model of health help many others transition to the same for a more humane and sustainable world.

Tags: Bob, Harper, The Biggest Loser, Coach, Goes, Vegan, vegnews, magazine, vegetarian, to, pure, plant-based, diet, avoidance, of, meat-based, protein, cholesterol, dropped

6 Management Strategies For Organizational Change Success

Human beings tend to resist anything they view as stressful, and let's face it, organizational changes are about as stressful as it can get!

For most of us, familiarity with our surroundings, our relationships and our working environment allows us to reside safely inside our comfort zone. And comfort equals security.

Transition Coaching

But when our comfort zone is detonated by changes in management or organizational systems, we implode, seeking the shelter of our innate desire to resist, at all costs.

6 Management Strategies For Organizational Change Success

Changes that occur outside of our control force us to adapt to new rules, new systems and new policies which can, at the outset, make us feel uncomfortable and insecure.

However, a responsible and responsive management team can intercede before staff resistance spreads like the plague and threatens the smooth transition of organizational changes.

Effective team leaders acknowledge and understand that it is a basic human instinct to react to change with resistance, even though staff may fully comprehend the reasons why changes in the organization are vital to its existence and growth.

6 Management Strategies to Avert Resistance

1. A clear outline - Discomfort and insecurity arises when staff are not made aware of the policies, principles, guidelines and structure of intended changes. Every employee needs to know how his/her position will be affected and what his/her role requires.
2. Commitment -Implementation of organizational changes will not occur smoothly if everyone - from the CEO to the office clerk - is not committed to the project and its successful outcome.
3. Advocacy - Each member of an organization who may be affected by the impending changes must be given the opportunity to express his/her opinion.
4. Responsibility - It is the role of the team leader to ensure that each employee who is responsible for a component of the change strategy is held accountable for his/her actions in implementing the changes required.
5. Acknowledgement - Evaluation and acknowledgement of the success of the change strategy at regular intervals ensures its smooth implementation.
6. Flexibility - Management needs to adopt a flexible approach to each stage of development of a change strategy so that unforeseen contingencies can be implemented, if and where necessary.

It only takes one irresolute employee to destabilize an entire workforce, so periods of internal change within an organization require management to stay vigilant for any signs of rumblings or disapproval.

Long-standing employees can feel betrayed and rejected when changes are announced by management. They often experience a sense of loss, confusion, frustration and job insecurity. The plan for job advancement they have often calculated appears to be shot to pieces.

So they react with denial and resistance to the imminent changes.

Management's ability to recognize these patterns of behavior and work to overcome any resistance establishes how well they will accomplish organizational changes. Their willingness to invest in the support and training necessary is an integral factor in achieving a positive outcome.

Employees aren't the only ones who have to adapt to changes within the organization.

Top level managers generally bear the brunt of discontented staff from the ground up. Senior managers who have been instrumental in bringing about the changes within the organization often underestimate the impact those changes will have on their employees.

Unrealistic expectations of how their staff will react (or over-react!) often causes top level managers to retreat and isolate themselves from the problem when the impact of their proposed changes filter back to them.

However, they tend to lay the blame at the feet of middle management if employees resist or complain about the changes.

Middle management tend to carry the most stress during times of organizational change. They feel "trapped", unless they have exceptional leadership skills; besieged by resistant employees who look to them for guidance yet often denied direction and focus by top level management.

Those in middle management often find themselves acting as the arbiter during times of organizational upheaval.

However, organizational changes within a business often prove to be a suitable testing ground for leadership qualities; from the employees all the way through to top level management.

Those who possess the qualities that define a good leader often emerge during the stressful environment that usually accompanies change. This creates an ideal opportunity for potential leaders to display those qualities and be recognized accordingly.

6 Management Strategies For Organizational Change Success

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 28 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2555

Dear Dr. David- transition to cash?

Dear Dr. David- transition to cash? Video Clips. Duration : 5.65 Mins.

www.epicpractice.com Andrea- I love the way you asked this question because it shows you (like me) are fed up with the hype and BS surrounding so much of what we are told. Fair warning on this one I cant possibly do justice to this quesion in this forum, but this should get you headed in the right (foundational) direction:

Tags: dr david, david jackson, chiropractic marketing, chiropractic coaching, epic practice, new patients, new patient solutions, chiropractic practice, wellness practice, practice builiding, CLA

10 Tips to Build a Lasting Lesbian Relationship

Falling in love is wonderful, but it is really the easy part of any lesbian relationship. What takes work and commitment is keeping that relationship going even after the passion fades, which it most likely will over time. Most experts agree that passionate love has a life expectancy of 2 to 4 years. So compatibility and mutual respect become increasingly important as your partnership progresses. Here are some tips to help you along. Most are applicable to any relationship, but lesbians do have some specific concerns.

Communication, Communication, Communication: Don't let small fissures in your relationship turn into insurmountable canyons! Let your partner know what you are thinking about big and small things. If something is bothering you, speak up. Problems can't be solved unless you talk about it. Make Time For Each Other: Life's demands will always get in the way. If you don't schedule "Us" time, it probably won't happen for you. Once a time is blocked off on the calendar, then both of you know to arrange other commitments around that time. For instance, you can block out Friday nights as time you dedicate to your relationship. Keep It Fresh: You know how the saying goes, "Relationships take work." Well, that is true, but it doesn't always have to have a negative connotation. If you introduce an element of surprise in your relationship, it really helps. Bringing home flowers without an occasion, making a reservation at her favorite restaurant, or suggesting an out-of-the-ordinary activity really go a long way toward keeping your partnership interesting and vibrant. Grow Together, Not Apart: One really effective way to keep your relationship strong is to have shared goals. Working with your partner on a project or plan for the future can bring you closer together by increasing your time together and sharing thoughts, dividing responsibilities and even by working out your areas of disagreement. Ideas may be as simple as joining a volunteer group together or as complicated as buying and restoring an old house in the city! Maintain Healthy Outside Relationships: Difficulties with family and friends can really affect the health of your partnership. Stay on good terms with people who are important to your partner. Work out problems that exist. Let your partner know that you recognize the importance of her friends and family. Sex And Intimacy: At all costs avoid "Lesbian Bed Death." Sex is an important part of your relationship. Sex is strongly related to intimacy, in that the hormone oxytocin is released during the sex act. That hormone is responsible for enhancing your feelings toward your partner and is essential for long-term bonding. Another powerful hormone, dopamine, is released when you perform strenuous physical exercise. Dopamine is also thought to be responsible for feelings of passionate love. So if things are getting a little slow in the bedroom, try taking your partner our dancing before your next sexual encounter! Avoid The Green Dragon: Jealousy! Unfortunately, all too common in the lesbian community, jealousy can ruin a relationship. Jealousy occurs when there is a lack of trust between partners. If you feel you are being controlled by a jealous partner or that you are jealous, confront those feelings. Discuss with your partner why you are threatened in the relationship and move past it! Get professional help if you need it. Compromise: You can't always have things your own way...and neither can your partner. Compromise involves keeping the relationship on even ground; keeping the balance between you. One strategy is to internally rate how important an issue is to you when you disagree with your spouse. If you silently rate the problem as a 1 or a 2, let it go. If you are rating the importance as a 9 or 10, then continue the dialog and work toward a solution you both can live with. Stay Connected: Keep in touch with the lesbian/gay community. Unlike hetero couples, homosexuals have virtually no societal support. Having other LGBT friends, attending LGBT events and going to local clubs can really fend off the social isolation that many of us endure. Maintain Good Health: Hey, nothing is sexier and more romantic than a clean, healthy body! Take care of yourself. Eat well, get plenty of sleep and exercise regularly.

Transition Coaching

Keeping a relationship healthy is definitely worth the effort it takes. Just consider how miserable you have been in past relationships that have gone bad. Then remember how wonderful this woman has made you feel. The trick is keeping on top of it and never, never taking your partner or the relationship for granted. If you set your relationship as your #1 priority, you have the best chance of a satisfying and happy future together!

10 Tips to Build a Lasting Lesbian Relationship
10 Tips to Build a Lasting Lesbian Relationship

Point Guard Play with Bob Hurley

Point Guard Play with Bob Hurley Video Clips. Duration : 3.38 Mins.

The key to making any team great revolves around the ability of the point guard to get the job done. Coach Bob Hurley, Sr. takes you through various drills and an off-season workout that will help any player become a better ballhandler, but Hurley also talks about the key ingredients it takes to become a great point guard. He tells how the point guard can demoralize the opponents and will help you understand the mentality of playing the position. This video was done in a clinic setting with Coach Hurley talking to a group of coaches and directing on-court demonstrations. Running Time: 70 Minutes. 1994.

Tags: Bobby Hurley, Point Guard, high school basketball

Ten Characteristics Of Leadership

Many people are interested in answering the question: "What makes a great leader?". What would you answer to that question? There are many lists of these traits written by others. These are quotes taken from an article by Bill George former chairman and CEO of Medtronic. According to him the most important trait is to be yourself! As you will see many of the traits of leadership require a great degree of self knowledge. Great leaders know themselves so they can be themselves.

1. Authenticity "After years of studying leaders and their traits, I believe that leadership begins and ends with authenticity."

Transition Coaching

2. Desire to Serve Others "Authentic leaders genuinely desire to serve others through their leadership."

Ten Characteristics Of Leadership

3. Empowering People "They are more interested in empowering the people they lead to make a difference than they are in power, money, or prestige for themselves."

4. Guided by Heart, passion and compassion "They are as guided by qualities of the heart, by passion, and compassion, as they are by qualities of the mind."

5. Recognize their shortcomings "Authentic leaders use their natural abilities, but they also recognize their shortcomings and work hard to overcome them."

6. Lead with Purpose "They lead with purpose, meaning and values."

7. Build Enduring Relationships "They build enduring relationships with people."

8. Clear Where They Stand "Others follow them because they know where they stand."

9. Refuse to Compromise "When principles are tested, they refuse to compromise."

10. Develop Themselves "Authentic leaders are dedicated to developing themselves because they know that becoming a leader takes a lifetime of personal growth."

Ten Characteristics Of Leadership

วันพุธที่ 27 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2555

How to reinvent your life

How to reinvent your life Video Clips. Duration : 5.30 Mins.

artistryofchange.com The Art of Reinvention - a powerful process to move out of the "Winter of Change" and reinvent your life

Keywords: career, transition, change, management, Coaching, Success, Training, life, purpose

Change Management Model and the 7 Stages of Change

When people ask me to describe our change management model at LRI, I tell them it boils down to three principles.

Principle number one: focus on the first five percent. What you do to gather champions, set expectations, how extensively you engage stakeholders, and how well you paint a picture for people of the decision-making process will go a long way toward guaranteeing a successful outcome. Let me emphasize the importance of engaging many people early on -- those who will be affected by the decision and those whose expertise can help. Even when ideological stances are strong, early engagement is always the better approach (as opposed to shutting people out of the process).

Transition Coaching

Principle number two: Focus on defining the root problem. Solutions don't matter unless you define the problem correctly. We emphasize a systems approach. Too often people say things like: "We need better products," or "we need more sales, or "staff isn't working hard enough," without looking at the reasons why. Very often, the answer lies in looking in the mirror - at what you're doing or not doing. One systems approach is to look at the organization's core values -- the things essential for its success. You can make tough decisions look easy if you ground them in well-understood core values.

Change Management Model and the 7 Stages of Change

Principle number three: Find a good guide.  An experienced guide can set the tone, keep an open mind, identify key issues, articulate points of agreement, and keep things moving. A guide should be able to offer models and examples from other organizations. The courage to handle uncertainty and adversity is also important, along with a healthy sense of humor. Good, experienced guides are hard to find. But they are absolutely essential to our change management model.

The following are the 7 Stages of any Change Management Model

1. Assess.
2. Envision.
3. Engage.
4. Plan.
5. Align.
6. Perform.
7. Reassess.

Change Management Model and the 7 Stages of Change

Executive Coaching - Online Interviews.mov

Executive Coaching - Online Interviews.mov Video Clips. Duration : 2.38 Mins.

How to conduct a good online interview. Executive coach Kevin Hand relates some anecdotes from his many years of experience in the executive search market. Learn what to do and NOT to do in this short clip.

Keywords: executive coach, executive search, career transition, online interview

Baseball Practice Planning Tips and Sample Baseball Practice Schedule

The word is PLAN

There are many four letter words that baseball coaches know, but few are as important as the word for today, PLAN. There are very few volunteer jobs more challenging, time-consuming or rewarding than being a coach in your local league. There are many four letter words used by coaches that I can not use here. Here I want to discuss the 4 four-letter words that can and will determine the amount of success a coach has during the coming season. The four words are Goal, Plan, Work and Time. In part one I discussed the important of the word Goal and the importance of setting a goal to drive a team toward success.

Transition Coaching

The Baseball Coaches four letter word of today is P-L-A-N:

Baseball Practice Planning Tips and Sample Baseball Practice Schedule

Planning is one of the most important responsibilities of a head baseball coach is planning. Planning is organization. Planning is delegation of duties and responsibilities to your assistants. You must plan every practice. You must plan your season. You must have a game plan going into every game. Planning practice after you start is a sign of bad coaching. If the team has practice at 3:00 PM, and the head coach turns to the assistant coaches as the team is warming up, and says, Well, guys what do you think we need to do today? A team with a coach like this is destined to have a difficult year. The coach is not organized and does not have the dedication to do his coaching homework at home before he arrive at the field. Have a plan and a schedule before you arrive at the field. The practice plan should be in the can! Planning as you go will waste valuable practice time that will never be recovered. It is extremely important to have a daily practice schedule written down. You must decide on each practice activity for that day, the assigned amount of time to be spent doing each drill or activity, and the objective or reason for doing the activity. A written practice schedule is a must! You practice plan must be detailed, easy to read, and easy to understand. Your practice plan begins with the first minute of practice and ends with the last minute. Every minute is scheduled. Include breaks and transition times from one activity to the next. You should write out the practice plan, run copies, and give each coach a copy. The schedule will have time slots, each coach drills and duties, and location of each activity.

A sample practice plan:

3:00 to 3:12 Team Stretch and Warm-up

3:12 to 3:27 PFP (Pitching Fielding Practice)

3:30 to 3:45 Outfield Drill Work & Infielder Drill Work

3:45 to 4:00 Team Defense, Infield, and Outfield Cuts

4:00 to 4:45 Team Batting Practice

(4 Groups, 4 Station, 12 Minutes and Rotate to the next station

-Station 1 On-field Batting Practice -Station 2 Batting Cage Work -Station 3 Bunt Station -Station 4 Tee & Soft-toss

4:45 to 4:55 Break

4:55 to 5:15 21 Outs Drill

5:15 to 5:25 Base running Drills/Conditioning

Coaching Note:

6 Pitchers will throw after practice bullpens. List Names. The greatest difficulty in having a practice schedule is staying on time. You must have a set rule that when drill time is up, the drill ends. If the drill was performed so bad that it needs to be done again, it will be done over after practice. Always have a coaches meeting after each practice to discuss what the staff has to say about the day practice. You also need to ask what they think the next practice schedule should cover. Listen to your assistants and consider what they say when you make out your next practice plan. Another part of having a plan is the delegating of responsibilities. You can not do it all. Recruit some good volunteer coaches to help you.

Good coaches always delegate task and duties to assistant coaches. Let certain coaches work with certain positions. One of the crucial assignments on every team is the position of pitching coach. You must have a coach that oversees pitching practice, bullpen work, and that calls the pitches during the game. Another important role is that of the team hitting coach. The hitting coach is often the offensive coordinator and 3rd base coach. This coach oversees all batting drills, batting practice and base running practice. Organize you pregame routine. Plan it, write it down, and make sure every coach know it by heart. Have a set time when you start stretching and warming up. Have a set time that you take pregame defensive infield and outfield warm-up. a set time that players may have 3 minutes to go to the restroom if they need to. Have a set time that you have a team huddle. Plan what you are going to say during this team moment. Having a plan is having a purpose, a time, and a place for everything and everyone.

Baseball Practice Planning Tips and Sample Baseball Practice Schedule

TransitionPG Intro.avi

TransitionPG Intro.avi Tube. Duration : 1.28 Mins.

Transition Planning & Guidance, LLC, ("TransitionPG), provides action-oriented guidance to help you achieve your personal, professional and financial goals.This video provides an overview of TransitionPG.

Tags: transitionpg, Life, coach, Career, Financial, Goals, plan, P's, of, GPG, Process, Transition, AP5, Simplify, Action-oriented, Business, Finance, New, Coaching, Success, Personal

วันอังคารที่ 26 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2555

How to Reinvent Yourself and Make a Successful Career Change - Michael Margolis

How to Reinvent Yourself and Make a Successful Career Change - Michael Margolis Video Clips. Duration : 2.68 Mins.

In Chapter 11 of 13 in his 2011 Capture Your Flag interview with Erik Michielsen, storyteller and entrepreneur Michael notes what role reinvention plays in creating and executing a career change. He notes how reinvention and career change is about moving from an old story to a new story. The inherent challenge here is not finding the new story but creating a story about your transition others can believe and support. To do this, Margolis recommends using your past to legitimize the future. Margolis Margolis is the founder and president of Get Storied (www.getstoried.com), an education and publishing platform dedicated to teaching the world how to think in narrative. As a consultant, educator and writer he uses storytelling to create more effective branding, innovation and culture change. Margolis earned a BA in Cultural Anthropology from Tufts University. View more videos at http Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com

Tags: successful, career change, finding meaning, reinvention, reinventing, purpose, story, your story, storytelling, getstoried, michael margolis, erik michielsen, capture your flag, career transition, courage, mapping purpose, reflection, thought clarity, individuality, career, aspirational careers, career building, career planning, career development, career coaching, career advice, interview

"Quel Statut pour le Manager de Transition?" résumé partie 3

"Quel Statut pour le Manager de Transition?" résumé partie 3 Tube. Duration : 12.65 Mins.

Conférence du mardi 13 mars 2012 organisée par le Groupe professionnel MISSIONS EXPERTS de ESCP-EUROPE. "Quel Statut pour le Manager de Transition?" Quel Client? Quel Patron? Quel Contrat? En présence de : - Roland Bréchot, Directeur Général d'ITG (Institut du Temps Géré) - Nicolas Antoine, Directeur d'Activité du groupe BPI - Marc Bourguignon, Avocat chez LLBBS, Délégué du groupe professionnel Fonctions Juridiques - Bertrand Riedinger, VP du Syndicat National du Management de Transition

Tags: Management de transition, missions experts, Business, ESCP-EUROPE, Coach Coaching Development, conférence, portage, outplacement, Training Personal Success

Youth Football Defensive Back Coaching Video

Youth Football Defensive Back Coaching Video Video Clips. Duration : 1.98 Mins.

Learn step-by-step instructions for developing competitive Defensive Back skills and techniques needed at the youth football level. This video will teach you: •Several footwork drills to improve your play. •Specific footwork to backpedal, weaves, open the hips and drive to the football. •Several ball drills to improve deflecting passes and intercepting passes throwns by the offense. •Hitting drills designed to defeat a wide receiver and tackling an offensive player. Please check out this complete DVD for sale at www.pigskinkids.com At Pigskinkids.com weve created an opportunity for the youth football player to show the real action on the field by uploading a highlight and improve their skills with our professional training videos. Shared Highlights Upload your very own high-quality game highlight so family, friends, and teammates can see you in action on the playing field. It's easy and it's free (limit 5)! If you want more than five highlights, no problem, you get one free highlight for each video purchased. Let your family, friends and teammates watch you in action. Instructional Youth Football Videos on DVD Watch Coach Mark Watson as he teaches football skills and techniques using high school varsity players as examples to younger players. In a series of quality football videos Coach Watson prepares and runs through the drills for younger players to be competitive playing youth football. The video series includes Quarterback, Running Back, Wide Receiver, Offensive line ...

Tags: youth, football, trainig, video, dvd, mark, watson, kids, pigskin, coaching, defensive, back

วันจันทร์ที่ 25 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2555

Career Assessments and Coaches - A Powerful Combination For a Midlife Career Transition

Assessment is essential. Gathering solid, dependable data about your midlife career client is the most efficient road to career coaching success. Midlife is said to commence when one ceases to measure one's life in terms of time that has elapsed since birth, and gradually switches to a more interior evaluation of how much time is left. This gigantic shift generally occurs somewhere in one's 40s (the actual advent of midlife is naturally influenced by many factors). Midlife can send psychological 'shock waves' through the client; some clients enter what we blithely call 'mid-career crisis' a frightening period of uncertainty.

Midlife is said to end when one commences retirement (although this maker is also open to contest as well). In any event, midlife opens with a flush of self-life confusion, evidenced by an avalanche of the "big" questions of life: "Where am I going?" How have I done so far in my life?" "Is my life on track?" "Is this what I genuinely want from life?" "Am I in an authentic career for me?" These, and other questions swirl in an almost unending vortex in the hearts and minds of the midlife career seeker.

Transition Coaching

The midlife career client presents to the career coach carrying all this internal confusion that screams for clarification and reason, direction and priority, as well as organization and the need to "make meaning" of it all. What's a good career coach to do?

Career Assessments and Coaches - A Powerful Combination For a Midlife Career Transition

The Need for Good Career Assessment

There exists compelling evidence that assessments produce better insights, better decisions, and better outcomes for both career clients and career coaches. Everyday, we career coaches help our clients make life-changing decisions; decisions that we hope will lead to positive outcomes. Quality assessments can immeasurably help support our coaching evaluations and shape the direction of our coaching efforts. The overall benefits of career assessments are no more compelling than in coaching the midlife career client.

Quality assessments, ones that are valid, reliable, cost effective, efficient of time, and where training in their use is readily available, are indispensable for the midlife career client. Assessments have immense benefits because they can produce dramatic results.

Benefits of Assessment

o Allows clients to understand themselves better
o Promotes a more 'scientific' coaching orientation
o Lends clarity to confusion
o Provides hard data evidence
o Enhances deeper self-exploration
o Promotes quality outcomes
o Offers data to help make accurate and more reliable decisions
o Identifies personal strengths
o Enhances client motivation
o Activates time efficiency
o Jumpstarts changing client deficit behaviors
o Gives structure and order without stricture
o Increases coach confidence

Career Assessment: Development Across the Lifespan

The primary goal of career assessments is not to discover deficits, rather it's to identify internal strengths, to deepen the conversation between you and your client, and to help you formulate more powerful questions that can not only motivate your clients but even inspire them. Career assessments motivate your clients in the most personal, practical, and relevant ways possible, to advance their ongoing career/life search across the lifespan.

Quality career assessments have helped literally thousands of individuals grow toward a much clearer understanding of the meaning and purpose of their life. The results give you clear directions for continued growth toward appreciating your client's authentic 'work.' Quality assessments give you added relevance to your coaching profession when they are coupled with educational experiences designed to further personalize and extend the learning that occurred with the assessment itself.

The results of quality assessments give you the coach invaluable information about your client; information you could gain nowhere else. Quality assessments generate a personal report that allows you to dramatically advance on your path toward helping your midlife career clients in ways unavailable to you without them. The information given in assessments enables you to move forward in your work with vastly increased confidence and motivation.

Career Assessments and Coaches - A Powerful Combination For a Midlife Career Transition

Rhonda Mullins - Your Dream Coach

Rhonda Mullins - Your Dream Coach Video Clips. Duration : 1.82 Mins.

Rhonda is a "Game Changer" in practice development strategies. Whether you experience her as a Speaker, Consultant, or Coach Extraordinaire, you, your team and your business will be TRANSFORMED! Transitionally, her wisdom and knowledge from being the first transition management analyst of the largest dental brokerage firm in the country in the '90′s, is still relevant in today's market. Optimum outcome results and increase profitability is her focus. She is ALWAYS cognizant of the ROI in the shortest period of time for sustainable and incremental growth.

Keywords: Coaching, Dental, Dentistry, Business Training, Successful Business, Rhonda Mullins, Inspiring, Motivational Speaker

Job Interview Question: Tell me about yourself....

Job Interview Question: Tell me about yourself.... Video Clips. Duration : 1.65 Mins.

Job Interview Questions and Answers careerconfidential.com Peggy McKee (the medical sales recruiter) helps you refine your answer to the "tell me about yourself" question. youtu.be

Keywords: laboratory, b2b, science, biology, molecular, lexus, copier, adp, paychex, sales, force, healthcare, medical, pharma, pharmaceutical, career, coaching, interview, questions, and, answers, transition, into, get, job, device, position, Boston, Scientific, Stryker, merck, amgen, roche, abbott, bayer, beckman, medtronic, guidant, johnson, interviews

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 24 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2555

9 O'clock Start Golf Swing Drill - Mark Pearson European Tour Coach - Golf Swing Drill

9 O'clock Start Golf Swing Drill - Mark Pearson European Tour Coach - Golf Swing Drill Tube. Duration : 1.02 Mins.

A great drill if you're having problems with your backswing. Will help cure your slice, create power and distance.

Tags: Golf, Golf Coach, Golf Lesson, Golf Swing, Golf Drill, Slice, Hook, Golf Pro, Golf Professional, Golf Instruction, Golf Coaching, European Tour, European Tour Coach, Oulton Hall

CareerGuy at the Learning Annex

CareerGuy at the Learning Annex Tube. Duration : 3.20 Mins.

www.careerguy.com Going through a career transition or job search? There are better ways than beating the same path that everyone else takes. Hear from the Headhunter turned Career Coach.

Keywords: career coach, job search, executive placement, interviewing, jobs, careers, coaching, professional networking, personal branding

How Can Culture Transition Coaching Help Expats Break Down Barriers?

Culture transition coaching is probably one of the most valuable tools expats should (and rarely ever do) make use of. As both a TCK (third culture kid) and now an expat mom, I've experienced first hand the entire array of feelings associated with relocating and fitting in to new cultures. I know all about the mixture of confusion, excitement, sorrow, anxiety, pain, enjoyment, fear, anger, stress, emptiness, frustration, lack of identity, lack of direction and even feelings of guilt that many of us feel.

We prepare every possible detail of our move in every possible way and invest massive amounts of time, and sometimes money, to plan our physical transition. But only a tiny percentage of us ever reflect upon the anxiety and other feelings these changes may be causing in ourselves.

Transition Coaching

It isn't until we've had some time to settle in to our new surroundings that we may suddenly begin to feel the effects of having forgotten to take ourselves into account. And that's when these emotions can manifest themselves either suddenly or in unperceived ways, filtering into our every day life, and chipping away at our ability to enjoy a sense of belonging in each new culture we enter.

How Can Culture Transition Coaching Help Expats Break Down Barriers?

I want you to love your overseas adventure, delve deeply into the new culture you are living in, and experience it fully, while also feeling a true sense of belonging and community from your expat family. That's why I encourage you to make use of it.

When I was growing up in different parts of North and South America culture transition coaching was simply unheard of. Today there are TENS OF THOUSANDS of cross culture and expat adults, teens and kids across the globe most of whom are never offered any type of culture transition coaching. I'm not afraid to tell you I was one of them and MANY of us struggled through much of our lives. It's important to let you know how much confusion and unhappiness could be avoided with some simple targeted culture transition coaching tools.

Because so many of us are unaware of this invaluable support, we don't take advantage of it. Often the consequences result in drastic changes in our lives.

Culture transition coaching exists precisely because the number of expatriates and their third culture kids is growing phenomenally and our needs can no longer be ignored. Find out how culture transition coaching can help you and your family overcome or avoid obstacles to having a satisfying overseas experience. Life is about choice. So choose to live your life FULLY.

How Can Culture Transition Coaching Help Expats Break Down Barriers?

Transition Activity

Transition Activity Video Clips. Duration : 0.37 Mins.

for detailed instructions, see my blog at footballer21.com

Tags: transition, game, soccer, coaching, training, drills, footballer21, footballer21.com

วันเสาร์ที่ 23 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2555

Why join a Circle of LITE?

Why join a Circle of LITE? Video Clips. Duration : 4.60 Mins.

my.brainshark.com - On this on-demand webinar, Helen Roditis, author of LITE Up Your Work and Life, and founder of essence coaching, you will find out: 1. What compelled Helen to write LITE Up Your Work and Life; 2. How it's being received by an array of organizations; 3. What the Circle of LITE model developed by Helen is about; 4. What you will gain from joining a Circle of LITE led by Helen; 5. And more. To join a circle of lite go to www.circleoflite.com

Tags: Leadership, Development, motivation, Empowerment, career, Transition, stress, management, wellness, success, Education, Training, Jobs, Careers, Personal, Family, inspiration, Transitions, life, coaching, Program, work/life, balance

How To Transition Off Of A Raw Vegan Diet Without Gaining Weight, Ep22

How To Transition Off Of A Raw Vegan Diet Without Gaining Weight, Ep22 Video Clips. Duration : 11.65 Mins.

FREE "Be Radiant Now! Starter Kit": www.radiancecentral.com Health & Lifestyle Coaching www.radiancecentral.com 10-Day Juice Fasting Program: www.radiancecentral.com 7 Day Raw Food Challenge: www.radiancecentral.com Acne Program: www.radiancecentral.com Website: www.radiancecentral.com Blog www.radiancecentral.com Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: www.twitter.com

Keywords: natasha st. michael, diet, weight loss, transitioning off diet, raw, vegan, vegetarian, eating healthy, weight gain, tips, dieting, how to, natural health, whole foods, balanced diet, keep weight off, coaching, motivation

3S - Interview w/Age Group Swimmers - Pt. 1

3S - Interview w/Age Group Swimmers - Pt. 1 Video Clips. Duration : 8.60 Mins.

This is the first of a two part video. Super Sport System's (3S) founder speaks with a group of 3S trained athletes (New Orleans area swimmers) to get their feedback on the transition process from pre-3S to a workout environment based on the 3S training optimization platform.

Keywords: swimming, swim, swim faster, swim workout, triathlon, tri, swimmers, 3S, swim coach, coach, coaching, New Orleans


MP ONEONONE CHAKRAS MEDITATION - UP TO 33% DISCOUNT!!! Video Clips. Duration : 1.60 Mins.

MP ONEONONE CELEBRATES HER 1ST BIRTHDAY! UP TO 33% DISCOUNT ON RELAXATIONS.CHECK OUT MY NEWS FLASH 04: mponeonone.com CHAKRAS MEDITATION - GIVE YOURSELF A TREAT AT FRIDAY NITE BRIGHT LIGHT! mponeonone.com MP Relaxations is MP ONEONONE's fourth division and focuses on guided extravagant meditations which are also written by myself to balance and cleanse your Chakras. Every Friday on Saturday night you can pamper yourself with a one hour relaxation which I perform live via Skype in English so around the globe at 11 PM -- 12 AM CET (Berlin) / 5 PM - 6 PM EST (New York) or join at 1 AM -- 2 AM CET (Berlin) / 7 PM - 8 PM EST (New York) for groups (maximum of 12 per group) or you can individually book a relaxation if you cannot join the group meditation. COME AND JOIN FRIDAY NITE BRIGHT LIGHT! INFO ON ME: My name is drs. Michèle Pascale (46) and I come from Amsterdam yet I reside in Berlin. I am the Director and Owner of MP ONEONONE Your Spiritual Life Coach For Change & Transition, a highly qualitative made to measure global online coaching business that focuses on Private and Business Clients. My core business is Transformational Coaching. I also offer Supervision for Coaches, Trainers, Consultants, Managers and the like who want a Sparring Partner a/o reflect on their work. For local accounts (business and private - also global) please contact me at info@mponeonone.com I have years of experience in Business Consultancy and training people on the job. Since 2009 I coach and ...

Tags: Personal, Coaching, Training, Consultancy, Energy, Medicine, Healing, Chakras, Meditation, NLP, Stress, Management, Development, Career, Reiki, Positivity, Positive, Affirmations, Future, Goalsetting, Totality, of, Possibilities, Alignment, Abundance, Self, Supervision, Weight, Loss, The, Gap, Business, Science, Spirituality, Alternative, Therapy, Now, Success, Motivation, Change, Transformation, Life, Improvement

วันศุกร์ที่ 22 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2555

Body Bonding Coaching

Body Bonding Coaching Video Clips. Duration : 2.98 Mins.

When Body connecction is more important than body perfection. Come join us at Body Bonding and find out how you can release body shame and find the inner love for your self now! www.bodybonding.com

Tags: body bonding, healing body shame, poland syndrome

Basketball NSW - Coach's Corner - Offensive Transition

Basketball NSW - Coach's Corner - Offensive Transition Tube. Duration : 5.08 Mins.

Coaching clinic from National Championship winning Basketball NSW coach Mark Watkins displaying offensive transitions

Keywords: basketball, NSW, NBA, Dunks, coach, clinic, instruction, how, to, sports, sydney, miami, heat, mavericks, dwayne, wade, nowitzki, 3-point, transition, lay-up, lebron, james

Drills & Mechanics for Attacking

Drills & Mechanics for Attacking Video Clips. Duration : 2.50 Mins.

SportsNationVideo.com - Drills & Mechanics for Attacking Volleyball Coaching Video with Lee Maes

Keywords: Volleyball, coaching, instruction, training, Drills, Mechanics, Attacking, Lee Maes

CoreBrain Intro - Body and Mind Connections

CoreBrain Intro - Body and Mind Connections Tube. Duration : 2.78 Mins.

www.corebrain.org You can't get there from here without available new maps. The evolving standard of care requires that new evidence provides more predictable treatment outcomes. From that first year in college to evolving practice applications CoreBrain sets the standard for teaching the utilitarian value of fresh neuroscience applications. Complimentary info available - just sign up for Tribe updates! http Enroll for blog and news. We're building a network to improve current mind care by connecting brain science with common sense applications that work in the office, and coaching strategies to make those innovations understandable. From Transition To College to Mentorship programs for Professionals it takes a team!

Keywords: Suicide, Depression, ADHD, Psychiatric medications, Transition To College, drcharlesparker, Mind (Quotation Subject), Body (Quotation Subject)

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 21 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2555

Steps to Transition to a Global Mindset

Steps to Transition to a Global Mindset Tube. Duration : 1.38 Mins.

Ed Cohen, Executive Vice President - Nelson Cohen Global Consulting, speaks on how leaders can transition to a Global Mindset.

Tags: Nelson Cohen, People Leadership, Leadership Development, Learning Strategies, Executive Coaching, Employee Engagement

How can a coach (life and executive) support you?

How can a coach (life and executive) support you? Video Clips. Duration : 2.22 Mins.

www.habitsforwellbeing.com Jane Taylor from Habits for Wellbeing explains how a life and executive coach can support individuals and groups. For example coach's can support individuals and groups: * if you are feeling confused in your daily life (work, business or relationships) * identify ways to increase your productivity or deal with the "superwoman syndrome" * help you save time, so you can focus on the things you love * face a stressful issue at work * work through a transition if you are feeling like your life is at a crossroads * identify and break down barriers to your authentic self * support you to deal with fear and self-doubt * deal with procrastination * live a more fulfilling life! www.habitsforwellbeing.com Habits for Wellbeing provides life and executive coaching for athletes, leaders and entrepreneurs.

Tags: Transitions, Career, Health, Wellbeing, Coaching, Life Coach, Personal, Life Coaching, Executive Coaching, Coach, Education, Business, Training

Post-Practice Interview: OL Christian Lombard

Post-Practice Interview: OL Christian Lombard Tube. Duration : 2.10 Mins.

Fighting Irish junior offensive lineman Christian Lombard met with the media following the fifth day of spring practice and discussed the differences between playing the guard and tackle positions, having fifth-year senior center Braxston Cave on the line and the coaching transition.

Tags: Christian, Lombard

วันพุธที่ 20 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2555

Life and Success Coach

Life and Success Coach Video Clips. Duration : 1.10 Mins.

The What's Next Coach Canton Connecticut

Tags: Life, Coaching, Success, goals, results, transform, transition, achievement, empowerment, wellness, over

Denver Health Passport Boomer Career Center

Denver Health Passport Boomer Career Center Tube. Duration : 3.93 Mins.

St. Anthony Hospitals' Senior Programs Manager Jane Barnes interviews Boomer Career Center coach Mike Glassco about the new Health Passport Boomer program. Through the center, clients can explore career transition and career guidance as they explore the endless possibilities of "growing up." Services include interest inventories, resumes, interviewing, negotiating, networking, self-marketing. Workshop series as well as individual coaching are available.

Keywords: Jane Barnes, Mike Glassco, Boomer Career Center, Career management, coaching, Health, Passport, St., Anthony, Hospitals, Boomers jobs, careers

Basketball Defense Drill - 5 on 4 Disadvantage Drill

Basketball Defense Drill - 5 on 4 Disadvantage Drill Tube. Duration : 2.20 Mins.

www.breakthroughbasketball.com The 5 on 4 defense disadvantage drill is great for improving your defensive roations and team defense. It improves communication, rotations, closeouts, on-ball defense, and many other aspects that are crucial to a great team defense.

Keywords: Basketball defense drill, communication, close outs, rotations

วันอังคารที่ 19 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2555

Expatriates - Have You Thought About Partnering With an Expat Coach?

It takes a while for an expatriate to adjust to another culture, and it can be incredibly frustrating when your assumptions about the similarities between western cultures are proven untrue. Executive and Expat coaching eases international relocation.

Four years ago, after preparing for almost a year, I managed to relocate to the United States with the assistance of a Career Transition Coach. The corporate coach helped me successfully transition from my career in Customer Service and Sales Management to a career in Global Sourcing and Procurement Management. My experience working with a Career Transition Coach helped me realize how essential it is to have assistance when undergoing a professional relocation.

Transition Coaching

The preparation to become an expatriate also exposed me to new opportunities and gave me experience with facing intercultural challenges. Through my experience as an expatriate, I have gained the skills required to assist others who are moving to a new culture. I took my love of relocation and translated my skills and interpersonal qualities into a new career that fit my aspirations.

Expatriates - Have You Thought About Partnering With an Expat Coach?

To help me on this endeavor, I decided to formalize my experiences and to pursue a Coaching Certification from iPEC within a field related to expatriate and cultural awareness. Along with my strong education, I have 15 years of experience working with international corporations in Europe and in the United States. Through a tremendous amount of time, struggle and effort, I have successfully developed myself into a coaching process expert with a strong global perspective.

Many people don't thoroughly plan their relocation when moving to a foreign country that has a similar cultural orientation to that of their homeland - whether they are from the United Kingdom moving to the United States or from France moving to Canada or the United States, they are sure to experience an enormous cultural shock. In fact, with the increased international connectivity stemming from globalization and the internet, many people feel that they know exactly what they will face when they relocate to a new land. However, knowing that you can find fish and chips, French pastries or Chilean wine in your destination does not mean you will immediately feel at home.

Numerous international corporations capitalize on the success of their homegrown executive talent by relocating top executives to an assignment in subsidiaries abroad. Understanding the cultural challenges of international relocation, these corporations often hire Executive Coaches to prepare their executives for the transition to a new country. While the cost of hiring an Executive Coach might seem to be high, corporations recognize that the return on their investment - a culturally aware and well-prepared executive - yields much higher success rates. Those corporate executives assisted by an Executive Coach face far fewer roadblocks while forging new partnerships, which increases the Executive's impact and future career opportunities. If an executive is forced to relocate without the assistance of an Executive Coach, the executive's impact abroad might be significantly reduced.

Executives who are accompanied by their family on their relocation want to enlist an Executive and Expat Coach. Not only will the Executive and Expat Coach assist the executive within the business realm, the coach will also help the executive's family and spouse adjust to life in a new country by developing a sense of belonging and purpose in accompanying the executive on the business venture. An Executive and Expat Coach will facilitate an executive's transition from both business and personal perspectives. It's important to keep in mind that a settled household and spouse are essential to the success of any new international assignment.

By taking into consideration the overall well-being of the individual they promote, global organizations can ensure that they fully leverage the capabilities of the executive they are sending abroad. Careful planning and coaching will generate far greater results than a haphazard approach.

I founded a coaching practice in order to help corporate clients and their families realize their full potential while exploring the extraordinary opportunities offered by working in a foreign country. If you are open-minded, smart, ambitious, and have found yourself preparing for an assignment in a foreign country, then Executive and Expat coaching can help ease your transition, decrease the effects of culture shock, and make your impact truly worldwide.

Our coaching sessions can focus on several key areas such as:

- Setting Ambitious Goals
- Developing Balance and Quality of Life
- Maintaining Professional and Personal Performance
- Demonstrating Leadership Development in a Multicultural Environment
- Finding One's Life Purpose
- Constructing Cultural Awareness
- Promoting Self-confidence
- Global Network Opportunities
- Forming the Professional Identity of the Accompanying Spouse

Expatriates - Have You Thought About Partnering With an Expat Coach?

Positive Psychology - Work doesn't have to be a grind!

Positive Psychology - Work doesn't have to be a grind! Video Clips. Duration : 1.48 Mins.

Karen Ostrov at Konect Consulting - uses work's most enjoyable moments to help employees and managers identify their most valued skills to move into in a job that you love.

Tags: enjoy your work, change jobs, Executive Coach, Coaching, Make Money, team building, communication, conflict resolution, management leaders, leadership coaching, teamwork success, management training, job skills, job satisfaction, work performance, transition, assessment tools

Career Services for the Successful, but not Satisfied

Career Services for the Successful, but not Satisfied Tube. Duration : 0.70 Mins.

Mid-career professionals are seeking new challenges. Our programs, including our career test-drives, ensure you transition into a career you love, without putting your family, reputation and finances at risk.

Tags: work, career, mid-career, 30s, 20s, 40s, outplacement, transition, change, career change, Challenge Factory coach, coaching, career coach, career advice, entrepreneur, business, success

Sofia Chmaruk Juggling A Soccer Ball While Texting A Message To Nick Chmark

Sofia Chmaruk Juggling A Soccer Ball While Texting A Message To Nick Chmark Video Clips. Duration : 1.92 Mins.

Locked ankle juggling without back spin enhances instep striking and volleying ability! During the 2010 FIFA World Cup there was a FloTV commercial featuring a player watching TV on a cellular phone while juggling a soccer ball. That was a great trick !!! In this video Sofia Chmaruk takes it to another level by juggling a soccer ball while composing & sending a text message during a skills self training session to parent coach Nick Chmaruk. Maybe favorite player Manchester United legend Ryan Giggs can give it a try and post it to YouTube. Motorola Hint QWERTY keyboard cellular phone was used to compose and send the text message with Krazr receiving. ENGLISH RIVER SOCCER ACADEMY - Created by Nick Chmaruk for daughter Sofia to have an opportunity to demonstrate and assistant coach technical course syllabus. No better way to learn than to teach the curriculum evolved from the ultra custom & elite self training physio & skills curriculum. MISSION STATEMENT TO BUILD ELITE TECHNIQUE FOR QUALITY TEAMWORK IN AN ATMOSPHERE OF RESPECT AND FAIR PLAY PHILOSOPHY Tactics advance when technical ability improves. Then the beautiful game occurs with greater frequency. The ball does the work instead of kick & run, hope & a prayer passing commonly seen on the pitch. Because other than martial arts soccer is the only sport which requires foot-eye coordination, SHAOLIN GINGA© art & rhythm are central concepts. The objective is to share the glory with composed quick thinking creativity ...

Tags: Ryan, Giggs, Manchester, United, FC, Football, (ball), Goals, manunited, manu, @manutd_fc, Legend, Soccer, Highlights, goal, thefa, Tom, Cleverley, Wayne, Rooney, Chicharito, Barclays, English, Premier, League, UEFA, Champions, World, Class, Skillset, Pele, Maradona, Best, England, Cup, elite, technical, skills, skill, development, Coerver, Pyramid

Career Transition - Looking at Your Options

A career transition is a period when your self-assurance is challenged. Career change demands undertaking some truthful reflection and self-assessment. Before you begin to think about a job change, determine specifically what you are looking at transitioning into.

Job and career changes are more and more prevalent because of the uncertainties from the economy, manufacturing modifications, and new perceptions towards work. Employment seekers frequently say they don't know any one or that they're uncertain the best way to start the entire process of networking. Once you understand what career you would like and what you should do to obtain it then begin researching ways to make it happen.

Transition Coaching

Because of downsizing and swift change in the world of employment, people now must continuously plan, strategize and identify new and prospective areas for professional development. If you have been terminated or are unemployed for a longer time than you ever dreamed of, get support now to set-up your Plan B, which may include things like getting "stop-gap work", a variety of jobs, or part-time work as you study or refocus on your new career. A career coach will work closely with you to recognize what you most want from life and formulate a straightforward approach so you can accomplish your set goals without difficulty and in synch with your true beliefs.

Career Transition - Looking at Your Options

Career transition coaching assists individuals with switching into new careers. When your current situation is leading you to consider your options in other employment areas or possibly a journey completely different from your previous job, a career coach may be the person to turn to for advice.

Career Transition - Looking at Your Options

วันจันทร์ที่ 18 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2555

Transformation Goddess Experience

Transformation Goddess Experience Video Clips. Duration : 2.43 Mins.

Shann Vander Leek introduces the Transformation Goddess Experience. A soulful, sensual and sacred exploration for women. www.TransformationGoddess.com Unearth your inner Goddess through self-study, self-care, sacred ritual, and luscious living. Receive loving support as you become empowered to share your inner grace and feminine strength with the world! The Transformation Goddess Experience is comprised of a 3-month divine feminine mentoring partnership, and includes a Luscious Virtual Retreat, transformational coaching, inspirational teachings, and creative expression. Apply today to claim a scrumptious interview with Goddess Shann.

Keywords: Shann, Vander, Leek, True, Balance, Life, Coaching, success, Traverse, City, coach, transition, women, yoga

How to Make a Solid Transition to the Role of Manager

You have just been selected for a management position in your organization. If you are like most new managers, you were selected because of the great job you were doing, you have had very little if any management training, and you have many concerns as you transition into this new role. Welcome to the real world of management. Instead of being one of "us," you are now one of "them."

As an executive coach, two of the areas I continually find is the inability of managers to effectively delegate and their strong tendency to micro-manage. One other area managers have difficulty with is having a clear sense of what they were hired to do in their new role. The main causes of these problems can be traced back to: they were good at what they did and work was delegated to them, they are most comfortable in doing what they excel at so they want others to do it the same way, and most newly appointed managers are not provided a clear picture of what is expected of them - nor do they ask.

Transition Coaching

As a newly appointed manager make sure you quickly gain a solid understanding of the situation, the priorities the organization believes you are responsible to carry out. What will you need to know and do to sustain, propel and grow your success in your new role? What should you focus on during one of the most challenging times you will find yourself in your career? Your success during this transition will be a strong indicator of how successful you will be in your career as you move forward.

How to Make a Solid Transition to the Role of Manager

The following approach can help you rack up some "quick wins" as a new manager - which unfortunately is expected. As a manager you must shift your focus from individual achievements to getting the job done through the people you manage. You must learn quickly to orchestrate the collective strength of your team to accomplish visible results. Its no longer about you...It's about your team.

First: Get your team on board by providing a compelling overall vision, mission, strategy and some specific goals which need to be accomplished. Paint the picture and share the knowledge of where they collectively need to go so they feel they will have impact on the organization. This will energize your team as they will be in on the facts.

Second: Delegate effectively, empower and trust your people to get the job done. Resist the urge to second guess or micro-manage. Remember, as a manager you are getting paid to hire, train and grow talented people who will benefit the organization.

Third: Focus on the big picture and let your people focus on the details. One of the biggest failures associated with new managers is their failure to stay out of the minutia. Let your team deal with the details. You need to focus on the broader responsibilities of managing the overall operation.

Fourth: Don't jump to hasty conclusions; don't begin your management role with solutions you have already formulated. Listen to learn and engage others on your team. Their input will bring them on board and will lead to better solutions and their support.

Fifth: Don't manage your team...Lead, train and mentor them. Most people are looking for a coach who will grow their ability to be more successful in their career. Demonstrate in any way you can that you are interested in helping them with career-making skills and competencies. The best managers learn about their team's strengths, weaknesses, aspirations and motivations, and then take actions which address these areas with all team members.

Sixth: Brainstorm with your team the possibilities for both individual and group accomplishments. What collective accomplishments can they contribute towards? What value can they add which will be recognize by both colleagues and upper management? People love to be on a winning team that completes meaningful work.

Managers, both newly appointed and those who have been in place for a period of time, and at all levels, can be very successful if the above six approaches are followed. Both the individual and the organization will benefit and realize the full potential of their own and the organizations talent. Welcome to the world of management.

How to Make a Solid Transition to the Role of Manager

Youth Soccer Drills and Games

New coaches need to climb a steep learning curve, and a basic understanding of drills and practice plans will lessen the learning curve. Soccer drills are very simply the key to your coaching success. The drills you choose are going to be the foundation to your practice plans, and will determine your teams progress on building their fundamental skills, or getting passed by other teams.   Well designed practices will allow you to focus on areas requiring development, and will improve the speed which your team improves on their fundamental skills. When building a practice plan, divide the practice into the different components, and focus on developing your players in a systemic fashion where transition is incorporated. The players will be able to start putting the pieces together in scrimmage and game situations, and the better the fundamental skill development and transition flow, the better the assimilation into game situations.

Here are some offensive drills that can help you focus your team on improving their skills around the goal. The nice thing about offensive drills is that you can combine the offense with a defensive transition where you can teach the kids about the importance of attacking the ball and recovering once the ball is lost.

Transition Coaching


Youth Soccer Drills and Games

This drill will develop a players aggressiveness for 50/50 balls, focus on the goal once the ball is won, and defending if the ball is lost. Divide your team into two sides and have them line up on each goal post. Have a cone about 20 yards from each goal post. On the coaches' signal, each player will sprint toward the cone. As the players approach the cone, the coach will release a 50/50 ball. As the players round the cone, they will attack the ball, each trying to gain possession. The player that gains possession tries to score a goal while the player that did not get possession defends the goal. The coach needs to emphasize speed when rounding the cones, attacking 50/50 balls, and attacking or defending quickly once the ball is won or lost. Cycle through until one team gets to 10 or some other pre-determined number. The drill should be run quickly, and players should not have much downtime between turns. 

Shooting/Follow-up and transition

This drill will focus on shooting and the quick follow up on shots on goal. It will also focus on transition from defense to offense, and creation of offensive opportunities from a defensive position. Divide the field into two halves. The size of the field will be determined by the age and ability of the players. A full size goal will be placed on either side of the field, with a goalkeeper in each goal. Taper the sides of the field so the angle for shooting will be optimized. Teams will consist of 6 players; 4 defensive and 2 offensive players. Each half will have 4 defensive players from one team, and 2 offensive players from the other team.  Once assigned to a half of the field, each player must stay on their assigned half. The 4 defenders will move the ball around and take shots on the opposing goal. Once a shot is taken, the offensive players will follow up on the shot, while the defensive players will try to recover the ball. Once the ball is recovered by the defense, the two offensive players will try to regain possession, while the defense works into position to shoot on the opposing goal again.   Encourage players to take shots, and have an extra ball available for quick turn around when the ball goes out of play. This game should be kept moving and transition speed encouraged.

Focus on solid practice plans that emphasize speed and transition. Offensive drills can be used to build skills around the goal and emphasize the transition from defense to offense. The transition game is one of the toughest to teach to children just learning the game. The coach that uses transition while teaching offensive soccer skills will build a much higher fundamental understanding of the skills and flow of the game.

Youth Soccer Drills and Games

Business Leadership Coaching for Management Transitions

Merging Business Leadership Coaching and Emotional Intelligence: Tom was a natural at sales. He ranked high on several emotional intelligence skills. He was charismatic, enthusiastic and always the top performing sales professional in his team. He got along well with his peers and his manager. When his boss moved on to a new position Tom was promoted to manager of his sales team.

After nine months, Tom's division was performing below average. Tom attributed the sudden drop in productivity to his predecessor. His sales team, however, attributed the sudden drop to his lack of leadership. They claimed he played favorites and was unpredictable. Some days he was helpful and supportive and other days he was aloof and punitive. The HR department was suddenly suggesting different types of sensitivity trainings to institute emotional intelligence in the work place. Conflicts between Tom and employees led to additional turn-over. Tom saw this as a good thing, "you're either part of the solution or part of the problem," he would say.

Transition Coaching

Hiring new staff did little to solve the problem. Eventually his superiors began investigating the problems in his department. How could such a natural sales professional make such a horrible manager?

Business Leadership Coaching for Management Transitions

Management requires a combination of leadership and emotional intelligence skills. Making the change from a skilled professional such as, an engineer, or sales person to management often occurs without addressing this point. Rather than a focusing on themselves the manager has to consider how others think and feel. without training and mentoring in this area, new managers are left without the requisite emotional intelligence skills.

The New Manager

The problem is the same in every field, engineering, construction and scientific laboratories. Just as an athlete who was an all-star player isn't necessarily qualified to be great at sports coaching. Some individuals stumble transitioning into management positions while others are natural leaders and adjust well to the new role. Others take time and cost their organization far more in their mistakes than the cost of training them in leadership, social intelligence and emotional awareness. High staff turn over and poor production are red flags indicating a manager has not made the transition.

Managers and leaders in these positions are typically struggling personally. They feel the pressure and may become overwhelmed by it. This only makes the problem worse as they try harder, doing more of what caused the problems in the first place. A manager may appear aggressive or controlling when they are in reality fearful or insecure. They may appear confident one minute and defensive the next. They may appear sensitive and attentive to the board of directors while they intimidate subordinates.

The Larger Challenge

Once those in a position of authority to the manager or leader, learn about the problem, it has, in most cases, already done significant damage to the organization. Simply firing the manager is not always the easy answer.

What can be done about it?

By the time leaders notice there is a problem and begin investigating, in most cases, it has already grown to unmanageable proportions. For example, one board of directors, overseeing the administrator of a health care facility currently face law suits for a hostile work place. The administrator they hired, achieved many of the initially agreed upon goals. They board, however, was unable to anticipate the problems he would cause. The organization as a whole would have benefited from executive coaching or leadership training two years earlier. Now they face legal fees and the cost of hiring outside consultants to fix the resulting problems.

It is best when upper levels of leadership, carefully select and cultivate their managers, staying tuned in to their progress during a transition. Proactive organizations begin training their new managers early to prevent the ripple effect of unskilled managers "flying by the seat of their pants." Some organizations have a business leadership coaching program inside the organization while others prefer to hire private contractors for a more objective support.

Just as the all-star athlete may not make a good sports coach. The litmus test of a good leader is the willingness of subordinates to follow them. If a leader is struggling, the best way to impact the bottom line is to take action and provide the leader with opportunities to develop requisite emotional intelligence skills. Executive leadership coaching, professional trainings, workshops and seminars help accomplished employees to effectively transition into supervisory and managerial positions.

Business Leadership Coaching for Management Transitions

Family Transition Coaching For Baby Boomers and Their Aging Parents

Life transitions, such as getting married, having a child, changing jobs, dealing with health issues, getting divorced, taking care of aging parents, becoming widowed or becoming an empty-nester are part of all of our lives. Everyone is likely to go through at least one of these life changers, and most of us will go through many more than that. The real key to successfully navigating life's transitions is being ready for them, and then understanding what is happening while it's happening.

Just like getting ready for a camping trip, a tour of Italy, or a shopping trip with your two year old, getting ready for life means being prepared. Taking the time to think about things before they happen and then so you are ready for what might be is the most important step you can take. We all know that the root of most stress is feeling like we are out of control. It's the unknown that does us in. When we know what we are dealing with, or have thought about "What happens if ..." then we feel like we're in charge. We know we should prepare, and we know we can prepare, but we tend to procrastinate and avoid preparing.  

Transition Coaching

Because most of us avoid preparing for life transitions in advance, we often find ourselves overwhelmed as life happens.   A family transition coach can be helpful whether you and your family are planning in advance or, as is so often the case, dealing with a transition as it is unfolding. As an objective third party, your coach can help provide focus and will have experience with others who have gone through similar transitions so that you don't have to start from scratch. Your family transition coach will be knowledgeable about the many resources that are available to you. A family transition coach can be engaged by the family or by one family member.
A few examples of situations where a family transition coach can be of service include:

Family Transition Coaching For Baby Boomers and Their Aging Parents

 An adult child realizes that his or her aging parent(s) can no longer stay in their own home due to health and/or memory issues, but the parent or a sibling doesn't agree and they are at a standstill A decision has been made to divorce and there are many important issues related to assets, liabilities, living situations and personal property to be made in a short period of time A spouse has died and the surviving spouse is serving as Personal Representative/Executor and is uncertain about the many steps and decisions required to settle the estate and move on with his or her life

Like any other type of coach, your family transition coach is there to guide you to your best performance. Your coach will ask those powerful questions that help you get unstuck. Your coach may also be able to point out areas where you need more "practice", or where you need to build your "skills" and can help you figure out how to do that. When necessary, your coach can serve as a resource to family members and facilitate necessary but difficult conversations and decisions.

© 2009 LifeBridge Solutions, LLC.

Family Transition Coaching For Baby Boomers and Their Aging Parents

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Major Life Transition: Tips From a Personal Life Coach for Women

Are you a women for whom life is changing or has changed in ways you weren't expecting? Or are there situations you aren't sure how to handle, and you are trying to find your way? Maybe you are facing starting over after divorce. Or maybe you are grieving the loss of a loved one. Or maybe you have changed careers or moved across the country. Whatever it is - it's a major life transition and you want answers on how to get through. You know that your own personal growth and spiritual growth are critical to making the most of your life now. This article offers some tips from a personal life coach for women to help you move through and beyond divorce or other life transition to a life you love, your authentic life.

As a mindfulness coach, I help many women in transition find their way through and beyond difficult life transition. The focus of our personal life coach work together is meaningful personal and spiritual growth including learning mindfulness practices for more mindful living in order to lead a more authentic and joyful life.

Transition Coaching

Here are the best recommendations from my work as a life coach for women that you may find very helpful when you are in a life transition.

Major Life Transition: Tips From a Personal Life Coach for Women

1) Take time for yourself. It is time to ramp up the self care during your life transition! Women are notorious for ignoring their own needs. The best way to support yourself as a woman in a life transition is to practice excellent self care. This means caring for all aspects of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual self. Give yourself adequate rest, relaxation, good food, proper exercise, meditation, and plenty of support from friends and/or a professional such as a life coach for women.

2) Slow down. Even though life may be coming at you quickly, and demanding decisions, you will find that by slowing down just a bit, allowing yourself to be more mindful and present, taking time for a few deep breaths, living in the moment - you will make better decisions. There is no reason to rush into critical decisions that will impact the rest of your life, such as where best to live or work. Take your time and be gentle with your adjustment process that is natural to life transition.

3) Self acceptance and self love. Women tend to be hard on themselves and expect themselves to know just what to do and how to fix any situation - perfectly. This just sets you up for feeling shame or fear about your process of finding your way. When things fall apart, it takes time to find your way again. It may look messy for a while as you try out a few ideas or walk around in the fog during a life transition. You can save yourself a lot of misery by understanding that you are exactly where you need to be, taking the actions you need to take in order to transition to the next part of your journey. Let it be messy, because it will be whether you let it or not. Allow yourself to make mistakes by trying things out slowly. Don't put everything at risk with each decision, such as moving cross country without living there for a while to see if it's right for you. Try things out and don't worry when it doesn't work out as you hoped. This is how we learn! And you are in a major learning phase of life. As a life coach for women in transition, I have seen that the growth into self acceptance is the most powerful process for starting over after divorce or loss, to create an authentic life you love.

4) Stay open to possibilities. To live in the state of possibility means being open to the concept that everything is working out for your good. It also means you are willing to expect to receive the many good things which are coming your way. Life is flowing and will carry you along. You can relax and let go and trust. You can practice mindfulness, mindful living, and true self acceptance as often as possible.

The good news in life transition, as difficult as it may seem, is that we are designed to change. We are designed to feel challenged and lost and find our way again. We are resourceful and creative and Life is on our side.

Major Life Transition: Tips From a Personal Life Coach for Women